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William Boyd visits Haileybury

Nearly 200 pupils, parents and members of the public attended a talk and reading by well-known novelist William Boyd last night. The event was jointly organised by The Haileybury Literary Society and Books@Hoddesdon.

Mr Boyd talked entertainingly about his life and his writing and read from his latest novel, Restless. Afterwards, he signed copies of his books.

He spoke about the writers who influence him, about the extensive research he does before putting pen to paper, how a story idea develops and how, finally, he writes with a purpose in mind, developing each chapter "from A to Z".

Boyd is one of the most highly-rated novelists writing today. Some recent reviews include:

"The most accomplished storyteller of his generation." The Independent

"One of Britain’s most celebrated contemporary novelists." The Sunday Times

"He has an exceptional ability to tell a really compelling story, in dense imaginative detail, about characters with complex, and convincing, emotional lives." The Los Angeles Times Book Review

"There is hardly a writer around whose work offers more pleasure and satisfaction." The Washington Post