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Food and nutrition

Eating together in the Dining Hall is one of the key elements of Haileybury life and it is true to say that the food here is exceptional.

Each day there is a rich variety of delicious food on offer, from freshly-prepared soup and baked-on-site breads to curries, our vegan and vegetarian range and always a large selection of fresh fruit, salads and desserts. The food here is a major highlight of School life.

Quality and variety

Working in partnership with Chartwells Independent, one of the UK’s leading providers of high quality catering, Haileybury is justifiably renowned for the quality of food on offer.

Our team of chefs take great pride in the dishes they create, making sure that every day there is a varied and healthy choice of different foods. Of course, central to the task of the catering team is ensuring that each meal is nutritious, high-quality and part of a healthy, balanced diet. In addition, the team works closely with pupils in areas such as sports nutrition and where pupils have special dietary requirements.

The team also contributes fundamentally to Haileybury’s life skills programme, helping in areas such as cooking skills, making the right food choices, food safety, fridge temperature and kitchen tasks.

Pupil voice

Chaired by Peter Blair, Head of Boarding, the Food Committee is a fundamental part of catering at Haileybury.

Meeting every half term, the Food Committee includes a representative from each Boarding House. Suggestions from the Committee can include menu changes, ideas about dishes of the week and proposals for different theme days.

Pupils are also encouraged to give feedback through surveys and discussions in order to constantly adjust and improve the choices available.