fbpx HPA Constitution - Haileybury

This page gives details of membership criteria, the composition, rules and duties of the committee and its fundraising remit.

The Haileybury Parents Association constitution

The Haileybury Parents Association (HPA) was formed in recognition of the emerging role that parents play in the modern independent school. The full constitution is detailed below:


To engage in activities that support the School, with particular focus on social events involving parents, to which pupils and staff are welcome.


Membership is available to all parents of pupils currently in the School. Apart from the Staff Representative; teaching staff, pastoral staff, administrators, and pupils are not actually members, but can be invited to attend meetings.


Whilst the HPA is not established as a fund raising organisation, it requires monies to support its activities. Any surplus funds generated will be used to fund projects that benefit the whole school and its houses. HPA request a termly subscription from each family to fund administration, and to cover the sponsorship of, and any shortfall arising from, the events it organises. Families are permitted to opt out of the HPA subscription.


The Committee of the HPA shall be comprised as follows:

One House Representative from each House and one from Lower School; parents selected/invited by Housemasters/mistresses (HMs).

Staff Representative; a senior member of staff selected by the School.

The Committee shall have three Officers who are elected at the AGM; Chair to be elected from among the House Representatives, whilst the Secretary and Treasurer may be elected from other members of the Association.

Casual vacancies in the Officer positions can be filled by co-option until the next AGM.

The Committee shall have the power to:

  • Co-opt any member of HPA for a specific task.
  • Appoint sub-committees.
  • Organise and run functions on behalf of HPA.
  • Receive and make any disbursement on behalf of HPA.
  • Quorum at Committee meetings is 6 and votes are by majority with the chair having a casting vote.

Committee members hold a yearly tenure with the re-appointment of House Representatives being at the discretion of the HM for a maximum of 3 years. This limit on tenure will not apply in the first six years of HPA’s life to ensure a degree of continuity on the Committee. The aim is that approximately one third of the Committee will retire each year.

The Chair will serve a maximum term of two years. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer, which are elected at the AGM, will have no limit on their tenure.

Others may attend Committee meetings at the invitation of the Committee (for example an HM or other member of staff).

Minimum notice for a Committee meeting is 14 days.

The Committee will not interfere in school policy decisions.


An AGM will be held on a date to be fixed by the HPA Committee. The AGM will elect the Officers and review accounts. Each family has one vote and the Chairman holds a casting vote.

Alterations to the HPA Constitution can only be made by resolution at either an AGM or a specially convened general meeting.

Minimum notice of an AGM or special general meeting is 14 days.